My Life: Strange Dreams

I’ve been known to have odd dreams, but last night was beyond strange. I feel like I should be writing my own essays of a “mad woman” right now. They say dreams may simply be accounts of glimpses of things from throughout your day, so perhaps that explains this dream.

Yesterday I did entertain my brain with some unusual emotional movies. Early in the day I watched, “The Professor and the Madman” then at night I watched, “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom”. (I highly recommend both, by the way.) The first movie was full of images from Dr William Minor’s point of view of being tormented by schizophrenia and living in an insane asylum as he assisted in the creation of the Oxford dictionary. The second movie was a vivid music filled drama with Chadwick Boseman playing a trumpeter with a dark past and undesirable characteristics.

I went to bed with a horrible migraine to top everything off. I took Ubrelvy before bed and put on some low classical music to help soothe my brain. It may have worked too well, lol! In my dream I was walking along a magical Winnie the Pooh like scene. Then a beautiful blue, silver and pink butterfly approached me and settled on a stump in front of me. As soon as it sat down it looked at me and started singing in like an old lady deep, bluesy tune (yeah I know, weird). This is what it sang:

“If I were ill Would you hand me my pills?
If I fell dead Who would you have in my bed?
If I was sick Who would pay the rent?
If I were to die Would you even try to cry?
No, no no no no That’s not how it would go Cause Narcs have no hearts They use you up Then when life falls apart They’re gone
So if you’re ill Get your own pills
If you fall dead It better be in your bed
If you are sick You better get better quick
And if you die Only your soul will cry, cry, cry.”

That was so odd, I had to wake up. I just couldn’t take anymore strangeness. I’m not sure if it was the migraine meds or the movies I watched or what caused this. However, it was funny enough to share. I hope it made you laugh, cause it is u usual. Maybe it brought up memories of your last weird dream. Anyway, stay safe!


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